Project Creation and User Adding Process

In SysRisk, we offer two modules: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Project Risk Management (PRM).

  • ERM Module: Risks are categorized by specific categories such as pure, financial, business, operational, etc.
  • PRM Module: Users must create a project first, then they can create risk entries related to that project.

While Admins and Product Admins can access all risks, regular users can only access risks to which they have been granted access.

In this section, we will demonstrate how to create a project and subsequently add users to enable them to create and manage risk items within that project.

To create a Project
  1. First, the user (admin or product admin) must log in to SysRisk and navigate to the PRM (Project Risk Management) module.

  2. Then, proceed to the Project Management page.

  3. A new project creation form will appear.

  4. Fill in the required information and click “Add” to create the project. Once the project is created, it will appear in the “List of Current Projects” table at the bottom of the same page.

  5. In this table, clicking the “bin” icon in the action column allows the user to easily delete the project. Clicking the “eye” icon in the same column will open a side drawer where the user can edit the project information.

  6. Additionally, clicking the expand icon in the top right of the side drawer leads to a sub-page where the user can add other users to the project for risk management. Editing options are also available on this sub-page.

  7. The list of user that are added in the project will be visible at the end of the sub-page.

General users also have access to the Project Management page. However, they can not create a project or edit them. They can only view the informations regarding the project and create risk entries.

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