Category Management

Creating a risk entry initiates all subsequent operations within the software, including statistics, suggestions, and updates. This makes it the most crucial operation in the system. Additionally, when risk entries are stored correctly, they become valuable resources for future problem-solving.

This feature is exclusively available to admins and product admins; general users do not have access to this page. Category management, while a relatively small feature, is essential to the software’s functionality.
SysRisk has eight categories in the ERM module:
  1. Pure Risk
  2. Business Risk
  3. Operational Risk
  4. Technical Risk
  5. Reputational Risk
  6. Financial Risk
  7. Environmental Risk
  8. Political Risk
To create a risk entry, general users must have access to these risk categories. If they do not, the risk category field in the risk entry page will be empty. Admins and product admins, who have access to all risk categories, control which categories general users can work on.
Detailed Process
  1. Admin or product admin must log in to the system. Once logged in, navigate to the ERM module.

  2. From the product options, select the Category Management page.

  3. On the Category Management page, a list of all categories is displayed along with the number of users in each category and an action button.

  4. Click the action button to navigate to a subpage dedicated to category management.

  5. On the subpage, there is an option to add users. This is facilitated by a dropdown menu with user names. Admins can select and add users to the chosen category easily from this dropdown.

  6. A table on the subpage lists all users currently assigned to the category. Admins can remove users from the category by selecting the delete option next to the user’s name in the table.

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